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TAYLOR OF OLD BOND STREET Bay Rum Aftershave, 150 ml

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TAYLOR OF OLD BOND STREET (TOBS) BAY RUM COLOGNE AFTERSHAVE 150 MLAn infusion of genuine bay leaves in RUM, it creates spicy, rich and exotic elixirs. Taylor of Old Bond Street (TOBS) Bay Rum can be used both as aftershave and cologne.Made in EnglandFragrance: Bay RumQuantity: 150mlIn an elegant plastic bottle.TAYLOR OF OLD BOND STREET- HYSTORYFounded in 1854 during Queen Victoria' Reign by Jeremiah Taylor, today TOBS is a real and indisputable traditional shaving icon, among the most popular existing companies.At the end of the nineteenth century, Jeremiah's son, Ivan, putting into practice his study experiences, expanded the use of botanical extracts for the hair, beard and body treatment ensuring a new and further boost to the family business. In 1930 Sidney Taylor moved the shop from the historic office in Old Bond Street to the current address in 74 Jermyn Street. From the birth, Taylor has always remained in the hands of the same family. Since 1955 Leonard Taylor, the current president, devotes himself with big competence and passion to the continuous and tireless production of those products that have made TOBS an unrivaled industry icon and it's always the first to test the effectiveness of its products and also the customer satisfaction level. A guarantee that very few brands can give. The philosophy of Taylor of Old Bond Street has been passed down unchanged over the years: pure and natural ingredients without compromises for the quality. Its reputation is well deserved for "herbal exctracts" used both for beard, hair products and in those for face and body.

Taylor of Old Bond Street
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